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A Community for Sikh Students at Berkeley

News Updates

Photo Courtesy: Rachel Barber, Daily Californian

Farmers’ protest on uc berkeley campus

Berkeley Sikh Students Association worked with the Jakara and BPSHI clubs, as well as ASUC Senator Grewal to coordinate a protest about the three farming bills passed in 2020, on the 16th of November 2021. Check out more on the article published by the Daily Californian and the coverage by KQED News.

5th annual united sikh movement conference

United Sikh Movement hosted their 5th Annual Inter-SSA Conference at UC Berkeley back in November. We hosted over 100 students on the Berkeley campus. Read more on the USM Conference site.

Art exhibition with artist sukhpreet singh

In 2021, we worked with Fresno State and invited reknown artist Sukhpreet Singh, from Ludhiana, to showcase his work in an art exhibition, as well as conduct a painting workshop for students, and paint the Harmandir Sahib live for us. You can check out Sukhpreet Singh’s work at

nitnem & kirtan nights

SSA hosts kirtan nights and nitnem multiple times throughout the year.

We will also be having a Gurbani Grammar course this Spring semester, led by the Punjabi lecturer on campus, Jvala Singh, who also anchors the Suraj Podcast.

If you are interested in learning kirtan, we are looking into creating informal classes for current students to teach and learn.

protest on Mohandas Gandhi’s 150th birthday

Members of the UC Berkeley Sikh Student Association, or SSA, and other Indian student organizations gathered under Sather Gate, holding signs that said “Gandhi was anti-Sikh” and “Gandhi was a sex offender.” Read more in the Daily Californian.

Board Photoshoot, 2021

Inter-SSA Bonfire, Baker Beach, SF 2021

Poster Making Social, 2021

Games on the Glade, 2021

Gurpurab, El Sobrante Gurudwara, 2019

Kirtan Night, 2019

Study Social, Moffitt Library, 2018

Kaur’s Night, 2019

Bandi Chorr Diwas, El Sobrante Gurudwara, 2021

Study Social, Moffitt Library, 2021

Bandi Chorr Diwas, El Sobrante Gurudwara, 2018